- UNHCR Projected Global Resettlement Needs 2022
- Complementary Pathways for Admission of Refugees to Third Countries
- The Three-Year (2019-2021) Strategy on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways
- Safe Pathways for Refugees. OECD-UNHCR Study on Third Country Solutions for Refugees: Family Reunification, Study Programmes and Labour Mobility
- Fostering Community Sponsorships Across Europe
- Hébergement Citoyen des Personnes Réfugiées. Témoignage des Collectifs d’Accueil et des Personnes Accueillies dans le Cadre du Projet Couloirs Humanitaires
- Etude de Faisabilité. Vers un Modèle de Parrainage Privé en France.
- Promoting Settlement-Sponsor Collaboration- Best Practices Report
- Restoring Family Links – Italy
- Measuring up? Using Monitoring and Evaluation to Make Good on the Promise of Refugee Sponsorship
- UNHCR Recommendations on Flexible Approaches to Family Reunification Procedures in Europe
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Resettled Refugees
- EU Integration Practices for Resettled Refugees
- Not There Yet: Family Reunification for Beneficiaries of International Protection
- Actions Speak Louder than Claims: Humanitarian Corridors, Civil Society and Asylum Policies
- Higher Education in Europe: a Pathway to Protection for Afghans?
- Work-Based Pathways to Refugee Protection under EU Law: Pie in the Sky?
- Private Refugee Sponsorship in Canada – 2021 Market Study
- The Feasibility of Community-based Sponsorship of Refugees in Denmark
- Refugees as Migrant Workers After the Global Compacts? Can Labour Migration Serve as a Complementary pathway for People in Need of Protection into Sweden and Germany
- Using Evidence to Improve Refugee Resettlement. A Monitoring and Evaluation Road Map
- Refugee Labor Mobility in the United States: Obstacles and Opportunities
- Sponsorship in the Context of Complementary Pathways
- Connecting Refugee Students and Graduates to Skilled Migration Pathways. An Introductory Guide for Educators and Refugee Serving Organizations
- Applying for Refugee Family Reunification. A Guide to the Family Reunion Process
- Handbook on Safe Avenues to Access Protection in Europe
- Networks and Mobility: a Case for Complementary Pathways
- UNHCR Projected Global Resettlement Needs 2023
- Accueil Citoyen des Réfugiés Dans le Cadre des Couloirs Humanitaires. Bilan des Activités 2017-2018
- Evaluation of a Private Sponsorship Programme, Three Years On
- Labour-market Integration of Resettled Refugees in the European Union. Guidelines for Practitioners
- Guidelines: Piloting Mentorship Schemes
- Mapping of Complementary Education Pathways in the Nordic and Baltic Countries
- Looking at Labour Mobility Initiatives from the Private Sector Perspective: Key Lessons Learned
- Paths to Inclusion: Training Community Mentors
- Pre-departure Orientation. Evaluation Toolkit
- IOM Resettlement
- The Three-year Strategy (2019-2021) on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways. Final Report
- Data on Resettlement Activities in 2021
- Authorities and Stakeholders Involved in Resettlement and Humanitarian Admissions
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Community Sponsorship Programmes in Europe: First Lessons Learned
- Building Blocks of Community Sponsorships. Guidebook and Planning Tools Based on Canada’s Model and Emerging Programs Around the World
- No Family Torn Apart. Challenges Refugees Face Securing Family Reunification in the Netherlands and Recommendations for Improvements
- RĂ©installation et autres voies d’accueil humanitaire pour les rĂ©fugiĂ©s particulièrement vulnĂ©rables. Prise de position de l’OSAR
- Family Reunification for Refugee and Migrant Children. Standards and Promising Practices
- Integration Outcomes of Recent Sponsorship and Humanitarian Visa Arrivals
- Apprendre en période de réinstallation
- Hardship of Family Reunion for Beneficiaries of International Protection
- Community Sponsorship – Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit
- Workbook: Community Sponsorship – Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit
- The Future of Migration to Europe
- Refugee Resettlement and Complementary Pathways. Opportunities for Growth
- Realizing Refugees’ Rights to Family Unity. The Challenges to Family Reunification in Norway, Sweden and Denmark
- Refugee Family Reunification in the UK: Challenges and Prospects
- Humanitarian Corridors: Implementation Procedures for their Extension on a European Scale
- Les couloirs humanitaires: un rĂ©gime d’exception pour gĂ©rer des rĂ©fugiĂ©s “dĂ©sirables”
- Arrival & Settlement. Guide for Employers
- Another Story from the “Refugee Crisis”. Resettlement in Small Towns and Rural Areas in France
- Third Country Solutions for Refugees: Roadmap 2030. The Next Phase of the Three Year Strategy on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (2019-2021)
- Auzolana II. Community Sponsorship Pilot Experience. Evaluation Report
- Community Organisation Refugee Sponsorship Category Pilot. Process Evaluation
- Group Mentorship Program. Evaluation Report
- Application Guidebook for Community Supporter Groups in the Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot (CRISP)
- Les couloirs humanitaires. Un accueil citoyen de réfugiés
- Couloirs humanitaires: Sant’Egidio se mobilise pour les rĂ©fugiĂ©s
- Des entreprises s’engagent pour renforcer l’accès des rĂ©fugiĂ©s Ă l’Ă©ducation
- Deux étudiants réfugiés centrafricains obtiennent une bourse pour étudier en France
- Capsule de l’intĂ©gration 6: L’après-rĂ©unification familiale
- Integration Outcomes of Recent Sponsorship and Humanitarian Visa Arrivals (2)
- Integration Outcomes of Recent Sponsorship and Humanitarian Visa Arrivals (1)
- Doubling our Impact. Third Country Higher Education Pathways for Refugees
- Creating Lawful Opportunities for Adult Refugee Labour Market Mobility. A Conceptual Framework for a VET, Skills and Qualifications-based Complementary Pathway to Protection
- Beyond the Sea to Study. University Corridors for Refugees in Italy
- Private Sponsorship for Integration: Building a European Model
- Community Sponsorship Schemes Under the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Take-up by EU Regions and Cities
- Access to Documents by Eritrean Refugees in the Context of Family Reunification
- Expanding Complementary Pathways for Refugees and Displaced Persons: a Blueprint for the U.S. Government
- Families in Limbo: What the Biden Administration Can Do Now to Address Unreasonable Delays in Refugee and Asylee Family Reunification
- Student Scholarships for Refugees. Expanding Complementary Pathways of Admission to Europe
- Study on the feasibility and added value of sponsorship schemes as a possible pathway to safe channels for admission to the EU, including resettlement
- Promoting Evidence-Informed Immigrant Integration Policymaking
- Oltre il Mare. Primo rapporto sui Corridoi Umanitari in Italia e altre vie legali e sicure d’ingresso
- Family first – LEAFLET
- Family first in Italia – Insieme alla tua famiglia
- Family first – in Italia insieme alla tua famiglia
- Humanitarian Consequences of Family Separation and People Going Missing
- Resettlement, Humanitarian Admission, and Sponsorship Schemes
- Family reunification explainer
- The Future of Refugee Resettlement & Complementary Pathways: Strengthening Sustainable and Strategic Humanitarian Solutions for Refugees
- Refugee Labour Mobility explainer
- International scholarships for refugees
- Complementary Pathways — an explainer
- Recent Canadian Research on Migrant Integration
- Refugee Sponsorship and Integration Outcomes
- Financing Complementary Education Pathways for Refugees: Existing Approaches and Opportunities for Growth
- Mapping of complementary labour and education pathways for people in need of protection
- Tapping displaced talent: Policy options for EU complementary pathways
- SAFE web space
- Save the date! SAFE Webinar on Labor mobility for refugees: towards a new form of complementary pathway in Europe
- Percorso di approfondimento tematico. Persone migranti d’ingresso securi: riunificazione familiare e protezione
- Accueillir avec les couloirs humanitaires. Parrainage citoyen des personnes rĂ©fugiĂ©es de Syrie et d’Irak, en provenance du Liban
- UNHCR Projected global resettlement needs 2024
- Webinar – Secondary Movement: Hidden Challenges
- Attracting, retaining and diversifying sponsors for refugees in community sponsorship programs
- Seven Priorities to Expand Resettlement and Safe Pathways to Europe
- From Safe Homes to Sponsors: Lessons from the Ukraine Hosting Response for Refugee Sponsorship Programs
- Why Matching Matters: Improving Outcomes in Refugee Sponsorship and Complementary Pathways
- Strengthening Refugee Engagement in Community Sponsorship Programs
- The Multistakeholder Pledgeon Supporting Refugee Family Reunification. Global Refugee Forum 2023
- Stuck in Greece? Unaccompanied minors’ stratified access to family reunification on the way to other EU member states.
- Selam’s story
- Global Family Reunification Network website
- Safe pathways for refugees III. OECD-UNHCR study on pathways used by refugees linked to family reunification, study programmes and labor mobility between 2010 and 2021.
- More than words: making good on the promise of the central American minors refugee and parole program
- Implementing the refugee resettlement process: diverging objectives, interdependencies and power relations
- The politics of vulnerability in refugee admissions under the EU-Turkey Statement
- Inclusive resettlement? Integration pathways of resettled refugees with disabilities in Germany and Canada
- Sustaining the private sponsorship of resettled refugees in Canada
- Implementing and interpreting refugee resettlement through a veil of secrecy: a case of LGBT resettlement from Africa
- Recommendations for improvement of the Bulgarian family reunification system
- Analysis of national legal and institutional frameworks that influence the possibility of introducing private sponsorships schemes in Bulgaria
- Displaced Talent for Europe (DT4E) explainer
- The COMET Project: COMplementary pathways NETwork
- The HUMcore project: Humanitarian corridors
- The EU-Passworld Project
- The Community Sponsorship Hub
- Like pebbles in a pool: the effect of community sponsorship on knowledge about, and attitudes to, refugees in less-diverse communities
- Resettling refugees through community sponsorship: a revolutionary operational approach built on traditional legal infrastructure
- Visibiliser l’hospitalitĂ© : la place de l’hĂ©bergement citoyen dans l’accueil des personnes migrantes. Un Etat des lieux Ă Lyon et dans le RhĂ´ne en 2022
- Webinar – Engaging local voices: letting cities inform national refugee resettlement goals
- Les programmes de réinstallation, d’admission humanitaire et de parrainage. Note du Réseau européen des migrations (REM). Note de synthèse
- SAFE Webinar on Labor Mobility – Report
- Ensuring complementary pathways and private sponsorship as a solution for beneficiaries of the international protection and persons in need of protection – Position paper
- SAFE National Conference on Community Sponsorship – 7 December, Rome
- Percorsi di Ingresso Sicuri: Riunificazione Familiare e Protezione. Il Toolbox della CRI
- Report – SAFE Webinar. The role of social workers in complementary pathways
- Aux origines des couloirs humanitaires de la Comunità di Sant’Egidio
- Voies complémentaires à la réinstallation: boîte à outils
- La multiplicitĂ© de statuts administratifs pour les bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires de voies complĂ©mentaires Ă la rĂ©installation : un enjeu pour la protection internationale – Note de positionnement
- La mobilisation des citoyens dans le cadre des voies lĂ©gales – Note de positionnement
- RĂ©installation et voies complĂ©mentaires : un dĂ©veloppement tributaire d’une pluralitĂ© de financements – Note de positionnement
- Projet SAFE – Les voies complĂ©mentaires Ă la rĂ©installation en France
- SAFE – La procĂ©dure des couloirs universitaires
- SAFE – La procĂ©dure de rĂ©unification familiale
- SAFE – La procĂ©dure des couloirs humanitaires